Tag: cloud storage

[ninja_forms_modal_form id=37 image_link="/wp-content/uploads/clarus-cloud-ebook.png"] While sales brochures mention cost savings, elasticity, scalability, load “bursting and storage on demand as the main benefits of cloud computing, it’s only after agreements are signed with third-party services and the systems and processes are implemented that other benefits emerge. Here are the unexpected cloud computing benefits ... Read More
December 17, 2013Tommi
[ninja_forms_modal_form id=37 image_link="/wp-content/uploads/clarus-cloud-ebook.png"] There is a lot of talk nowadays about what cloud computing is and its benefits (or lack of), but despite this fact, a lot of people are not very familiar with what cloud computing is really about. First things first, the concept of cloud computing is nothing new or state ... Read More
October 13, 2013Tommi